The Republic of Belarus is a forest power, and the strategic goal of the state is a rational and integrated use of forest resources of the country. The Belarusian Production and Trade Concern of timber, woodworking and pulp and paper industry "Bellesbumprom" combines the largest state and other legal entities, producing a wide range of timber products. It is a nonprofit organization and is subordinate to the Council of Ministers.
The concern "Bellesbumprom" about 50 enterprises of different forms of ownership, which together are the largest consumer of timber prepared in the country.
The activity of the concern is divided into three sectors.
The logging sector includes procurement and hauling of timber, its cross-cutting, production of industrial wood and wood products, production of sawlog, veneer, matchbox and technological raw materials, resin extraction.
Sector of pulp and paper industry is specialized in the production of cardboard and paper products. There are over 20 types of paper and cardboard.
Sector of woodworking and furniture production is divided into two major branches, which are closely intertwined: on the one hand - it is the primary processing of wood raw material and production of elements for the furniture and construction industries (windows, doors, moldings, wood boards, etc.), on the other hand – production of furniture directly addressed to the end market.
The concern’s enterprises are the largest furniture manufacturers in the Republic of Belarus. The production program of furniture issue covers almost the entire range of this kind of products.
The extensive modernization is held in the organizations of the concern. Its main objective is to ensure the rational, cost-effective use of forest resources of the country through the creation of high-tech industries.
The products of the concern’s enterprises are exported to 60 countries of the world. There is dealer network that operates businesses in different cities and countries.
The concern’s enterprises are the permanent members of the international specialized exhibitions. Their products are regularly exhibited at exhibitions in Belarus, Russia, CIS countries, Germany, France, Lithuania, Latvia and other countries.
Chairman of the concern PSHONNY Aliaksandr A.
kontacts: Republic of Belarus
220600, Minsk, ul. K.Marx, 16
Tel./fax: +375 17 327-44-83
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Deputy Chairman of the concern DICOVITSKY Gennady N.kontacts: Republic of Belarus
220600, Minsk, ul. K.Marx, 16
Tel./fax: +375 17 327-15-82
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Deputy Chairman of the concern Tsybulko Tatyana A.
kontacts: Republic of Belarus
220600, Minsk, ul. K.Marx, 16
Tel./fax: +375 17 327-86-11
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Каманда апарата канцэрна "Белляспаперпрам" па традыцыі прыме ўдзел у "Мінскім паўмарафоне-2021", які адбудзецца ў нядзелю 12 верасня.
Прэзідэнт Беларусі Аляксандр Лукашэнка сёння на нарадзе з актывам Гродзенскай вобласці пазначыў прыярытэты краіны ў прыцягненні інвестыцый.